Did you know that you can get chainlink fencing in almost any* color? A metallic blue fence would definitely give your home or business a unique look!
All-color chainlink components can make beautiful fences and enhance your property. Standard colors are green, black, white and brown. To add color but also save money, you can mix a colored chainlink fabric with galvanized posts and fittings.
(colors are approximate)
Colored chainlink mesh is made by covering galvanized steel wire with a colored vinyl coating (PVC). Colored posts, toprail and fittings are made by powder coating galvanized materials. Powder coating is a process in which enamel is baked on to the material. The end result of the whole process is a beautiful fence that will last for years and years. Click here for more information on chainlink fence specifications.
* Custom orders require more time and additional charges will apply.